Monday, May 27, 2013

Keeping Your Employees Cool with Proper Commercial Air Conditioning

As a business owner, your responsibilities are to ensure your customers are happy. You cannot do that if your employees are uncomfortable or struggling to work in the environment. That is why commercial air conditioning is so important in the office setting. However, many businesses have to face rising energy costs. Turning up the air conditioning seems like one way to reduce those costs. Where is the balance in providing proper air cooling in a work environment?
Commercial Air Conditioning

The Benefits of Properly Cooling Your Business
Using a commercial air conditioner in the office environment is a must in nearly all parts of the US. However, it pays for itself in many ways:
  • Your employees are comfortable. They are happy to be there and working for you.
  • The level of productivity in the environment goes up as a result of being comfortable. Have you noticed employee's slow down when they simply cannot tolerate the heat?
  • Your employees are in better spirits. That means they treat customers better on the phone and in person.
All of this translates into cost efficiency for you, the business owner. Still, you may be wondering what you can do to keep those energy costs in line.

Tips for Using Commercial Air Conditioning Properly
There are many simple things you can do to ensure you do not overpay for energy use. In fact, some of these methods will help you to reduce your bill as it is, even if you are turning the air conditioning on for your employees.
  • Choose the properly-sized air conditioning system for your space. A common problem is having a too large or too small of a system.
  • Ensure it is properly serviced on an annual basis. Did you know that if it is one pound under the proper refrigerant level this could cost you as much as 20 percent more on your cooling bill?
  • Block off vents to areas not in use. This allows the cool air to go to areas you need it and does not require the system to cool areas no one is using.
  • Invest in a programmable thermostat. Set it to allow temperatures to rise in the evening when no one is in the office and then to come back down in temperature prior to employees arriving.
  • Cool down the offices around 6am. This makes it easy for the system to bring the temperature down. Trying to cool it down by 10am means the ac system already has to combat higher temperatures outdoors.
The fact is, commercial air conditioning is not an option for most offices. Your employees need to be comfortable. However, you can have a technician help you to find the right balance of energy efficiency and happy, productive employees.

Campbell Appliance Heating And Air Inc
3591 Rocking J Rd
Round Rock, TX 78665
(512) 255-0506

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