Thursday, November 1, 2012

Time to light the furnace!

It's fall. The nights are getting nippy and there's a chill in the morning air. It's time to think about firing up your furnace. Before you shut down the air conditioner for the year, call a professional heating service and make an appointment to have your furnace serviced. The truth is, a furnace is a complex piece of machinery and if it is not properly maintained, it can be dangerous and even deadly. Before you turn your furnace on each year, contact a professional heating and air conditioning service and make sure that your heater is running safely and efficiently.

Why does my heater need maintenance?

A home furnace needs maintenance for two basic reasons. The first is efficiency. A furnace that is well maintained will run at peak performance levels giving you the most bang for your home-heating buck. Just like a car that has not had a tune-up burns through gas, a furnace that has not been cleaned, adjusted and tuned will not burn fuel efficiently. Bottom line is, if your furnace isn't running well, you will be spending more money each and every day to heat your home.

The second reason for having your furnace serviced by a professional heating service is the most important: safety. Plainly put, a furnace that is not running properly can be deadly. Carbon monoxide is a natural byproduct of the process of burning gas or oil. A well-tuned heater will produce very little carbon monoxide and it will be safely carried out of the home through the furnace's venting system. Problems arise, however, when either the furnace is producing too much carbon monoxide, or there are leaks. Either of these can lead to a lethal build-up of carbon monoxide in the home.

Carbon monoxide is odorless and colorless. It can only be detected by a sophisticated CO detector. Symptoms of CO poisoning include nausea, vomiting, flu-like pains and confusion. If anyone in your home ever experiences these symptoms and there is reason to believe that it is not the flu, leave the home immediately and call the fire department and an ambulance. It is often smart to purchase and have a professional install and test a CO detector. This simple device can make a huge difference in getting to an issue before it becomes a problem. Make sure you test your batteries and have the detector tested next time a heating repair man comes for service.

Heater Maintenance

Other than changing the filters regularly, there is very little that the average homeowner can do to service their furnace safely. Heater maintenance needs to be performed by a highly-trained professional. During a service call, your heater maintenance technician will vacuum out your furnace, change its filters and adjust the pilot light. He or she will also make sure that your furnace is burning fuel efficiently and that the thermostat is working properly. Your technician will also check your furnace carefully for any leaks that might allow the escape of carbon monoxide and can also recommend when it is time to consider replacing your existing furnace with a new one.

Campbell Appliance Heating And Air Inc
3591 Rocking J Rd
Round Rock, TX 78665
(512) 255-0506

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